Editorial Values and Standards

As of: 2021-06-07

Mission Statement 

This magazine is dedicated to topics about civil society actors and activities, covered by actors from the ifa network. It is part of a digital platform which ifa provides for global civil society, dedicated to the values for which ifa stands. Communication on this platform pursues the idea of an open society, regarding freedom of speech, tolerance and respect for others.


Every effort is made to assure that the content is accurate, free of bias, in context, and that all sides are presented fairly. 

Do No Harm 

When we gather information and report on people, we do not intend to do harm to anyone with our work. Therefore, we attempt to use non-discriminatory language which does not affect people’s sense of dignity. 

Fair Play 

We respect the rights and safety of people involved in our reporting and observe the common standards of decency.  

Independence from External Interests, Propaganda and Financial Interest 

We do not use our media to promote external interests. We are determined to avoid any kind of propaganda or ideology. The only reason for reporting is defined by our mission statement.   


We attempt to use language which is precise and commonly understood. Our reports on science and art are intended to be understood by everyone. 

Editing Process 

We select the content published on our social media platform. Editors work with contributors on their pieces, and a curator or a board of curators decides which production will be published on the platform.